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Unlike the usual academic anthology, this collection of images, objects and texts adopts design as a crucial tool to materialize the knowledge of visual and material cultures in Muslim life-worlds. It comprises of photographs that researchers have recorded during fieldwork, objects and artefacts that they have brought back from the field and essays that afford multi-disciplinary perspectives on the under-considered scenes of life in various Muslim contexts, communities and societies. Designed by mischen studio and co-edited with Stefan Maneval, the project was funded by the Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies.


In this podcast featured on the New Books Network, the anthropologist Mathew Gagné and I discuss the various aspects of my new book Queer Companions: Religion, Public Intimacy and Saintly Affects in Pakistan published by Duke University Press in 2022.



My contribution to the Affect Theory Reader 2 (Duke UP 2023) is an ethnohistorical fabulation that reads across family displacement in South Asia, Islamic-religious concepts of migration, and shards of my own queer feelings in Berlin. I assemble intimate archives and propose to think migration through errant and affective histories of the Global South, ones that do not sit straight with dominant imaginings of Europe.